Tuesday, July 10, 2007


South Beach Phase 1 - Day 1d

Weight: 127 Height 4ft 9in BMI: 27.5
-- (ideal Weight 115 with a BMI 24.9)

Breakast: 1 large mug of coffee with half and half and 3 tsps of Splenda. I know this doesn't count as breakfast.
MidMorning Snack: Nothing
Lunch: tomato,mozzarella, olives, and vinegarette type of salad which I bought at the grocery store deli. Cucumber, tomato, onion with vinegarette salad. which I bought at the grocery store deli. Small can of albacore tuna. No soda. Only water. I had to throw away the majority of tomatoes because there were more than I should have in one serving. Also, I drained the vinegarette dressing out of the containers because they were drowning the vegetables.
MidAfternoon Snack 1 : 1 1/2 celery sticks with a wedge of light Laughing Cow Swiss spread.
MidAfternoon Snack 2: When I got home from work, I was hungry. So I ate a small dill pickle and 1/w celery stick with Laughing Cow spread.
Dinner: poached salmon and sauted squash. It was actually quite good. Scott doesn't like squash, but commented he did like "this" squash recipe.
Evening Snack: sugar free Jello cup with a teaspoon of light whipped cream topping.

I know, I know, 12 pounds doesn't seem like a lot to lose, but it is a significant amount of weight for a short person to lose. Basically, loosing 12 pounds will take me from a size 12 petite to probably a size 8 petite.

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