Wednesday, May 17, 2006


Major Dust Bunnies

Over the weekend, our refrigerator was making a loud humming noise. Oh great! We just gave thousands of dollars to the adoption agency and our seven year old refrigerator decides to die. The refrigerator has been through one move.

Scott was 225 miles away fishing with buddies on the Texas coast. What was I to do? I got on the internet and found out the refrigerator probably had dirt on the coils. I followed the instructions and removed the ventilation grill and OH MY GOSH!!! There was a whole wad of dog fur and dirt on the coils to make a enourmous dust bunny. Icky!! I carefully vacuumed the coils and replaced the ventilation grill and the sound went away. No wonder the refrigerator side was causing items to freeze! I had turned the temperature down a few months ago without any success of fixing the icing problem.

Anyway, the coils are supposed to be vacuumed every month. The joys of home ownership!

I am always amazed at the things that I should do to things at home and don't simply because I don't know. I am going to go home tonight and look at my coils. Thanks for the tip!
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