Tuesday, January 24, 2006


Stupid PC Tricks

Warning. Reading this entry can be confusing if you are not computer technical.

Tonight I spent almost an hour trying to figure out why i-tunes wasn't connecting to the music store. I couldn't figure it out. I went on a huge google search for the answer.

First, I thought it could have been my firewall. I disabled it. Still I couldn't connect to the music store.

Then I ran across this fix which had to do with Microsoft Internet Explorer. It said I needed to go to internet explorer> internet options tabs > advanced tabs > check box SSL 2.0 & 3.0 All I could says was "WHAT?". Anyway, that didn't fix it, but then it dawned on me. I don't use IE as my default. I do use when I get a website which is ONLY "IE" compliant. Well, the last time I had used it was at work (I lug a laptop back and forth to work -- belongs to the company) and I had the settings set to my work settings. I changed the settings to connect to the house and all of a sudden I got a popup window that said "connecting to gmail account".

All I could say to myself before I even finished closing IE was "OMG. There is no way that an application is THAT highly integrated into using Internet Explorer's internet connection settings". How wrong I was. This fixed my i-tunes connectivity problem and my gmail dns connection problem.

30 minutes later, I am still in shock. Don't get me wrong. I like windows, but at work I also use a unix system. The company doesn't condone windows, but my department was acquired and they still live in a MS windows world. Hence, the reason why they buy each of their employees a laptop. They just stare at me when I get on my unix system and can type commands on a terminal line. The unix box is GUI based JDS over Solaris (giving a little hint of where I work).

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