Thursday, December 29, 2005


Home Study 1 & 2

We are supposed to have four homestudy sessions.

Today we did the individual husband and wife interviews. It wasn't at home -- funny, aye? We met our SW at a local coffee shop. I wasn't nervous and each of our interviews took about 35 minutes.

On my homestudy autobiography, I didn't put a lot of information about my employement history, so the SW would like for me to send her my resume. We also have to submit e-mail addresses of our references so she can send them some questions. DH really dislikes asking friends for help.

Scott and I still need to go get our medical examinations. I'm not looking forward to the examinations because I am the biggest wimp when it comes to needles. I actually start crying while waiting in the waiting room. Imagine when we have to go get our hep A & B series of immunizations. I'll be blubbering the whole time. I'm also not looking forward to getting weighed. I think I gained five pounds over the Christmas holidays. I know five pounds doesn't sound a lot, but it makes a difference because of my height.

I also have to start the certification of my documents, but I need to call the agency and find out if there are going to be changes in January 2006 with China entering the Hague Convention. I think that documents are apostillized rather than certified.

Hi, don't worry about the Hep A/B shots, honestly they don't hurt a bit. I am the most paranoid person on the planet when it comes to needles. My husband had to bribe me like a 2 year old to get me to that first appt, and when they were done I didn't even know they had stuck the needle in. Make sure the technician has you relax (or even dangle) your arm, and have him pinch it in a jiggly fashion like he's squeezing an orange. :-) You'll see!
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