Thursday, January 04, 2007


Happy New Year

We spent New Year's Eve at the Bay House. Actually, we are still here trying to use up some of our vacation time which we were told has hit maximum accrual. We are trying to keep it at the maximum limit so we can use it for our adoption trip to China and time to stay home with our child. Considering we may not be getting our referral this year, we will just be playing this "using just enough vacation" every few months by taking a day here and there.

Anyway, New Year's Eve passed uneventfully. We sat at our window watching the fireworks the neighborhood children and child like adults were setting off. By 10:30 we could barely keep our eyes open. I guess we are turning into old people. Fortunately, our close by neighbors called it quits by 11:00 and we were able to sleep without any firework noise. We awoke to a new year.

On January 2nd, Scott and I celebrated our 8th year wedding anniversary. Scott barbequed ribs and brisket. It took nearly 12 hours for the meat to finish cooking, but they were oh so tender and yummy.

The fishing has been off this week. Scott hasn't had any bites at all. So, maybe he has to switch his tactics? We aren't familar with the area to know what lures to use during this time of the year. Hopefully it will pick up during the weekend so Scott can go back to work with some fishing stories.

When I get home to faster internet connection, I'll upload some pictures from our trip in Carmel California.

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